Monday, 30 April 2007


oh my. was doing one of the many timewasting things that fill my nowadays, when i chanced upon a foodblog with a recipe for these penguin shaped waffles. SO CUTE! I WANT!

The machine that makes them is called Woodles, and you can check them out here.

"Make fun penguin shaped waffles in minutes with Woddles. He even has an indent in his tummy to scoop the ice-cream in to. Yummy!"
How absolutely clever. and don't they look so so so so sooooooooooo good?

My cousins would seriously LOVE this. but I think they're only sold in Australia. So if anyone knows anyone... OH WAIT!
VQ!! hahahahaha. okay cool. will ask her to buy t for me. i think 30 bucks isn't thaat exorbitant, right...? then again, i am such a kitchen-appliances whore that i'm prolly one of few people who think so.. but well. i want it. and i'm going to be earning enough to buy more than a dozen of these if i wanted. so there. hah. yay. am now happy. :)
I hope V will buy them for me....

random foods

yup, my latest obsession is the lovely, chocolatey, creamy-sweet, almond-crunchy Magnum Bar. yumm. and the best part is, 7-11 is having a one-for-one sale on magnum, so instead of the usual PRICEY $2.90, your (or mine, if you're feeling nice. grin) magnum is now $1.45. mmm.

oh and my latest discovery at Starbucks is the Caramel Frappuchino. Well, not precisely new discovery per se, but my drink of the moment, rather. Extra foam lattes are good and all, but when one is sitting there for hours, it is better to have a drink that melts than a hot coffee that goes stone cold. and i love whipped cream. :) i wonder if they have hazelnut fraps, though. caramel gets a tad too sweet.

oh and candy empire has these amusingly named 'potato snacks': Chio brand junk food. funky eh. haha. although they are cheap, at $2.80 for a 100g bag, they did give a little bit of a shock when i opened them and discovered they were not potato chips as I had expcted, but rather, the healthy, baked, puffy sort of 'potato snack'. now you know why they're called potato snacks. haha.

oh and M and i discovered a new place to buy cheap snacks that are also healthy, and depending on what you buy, can help boost brainpower. It's that shop I believe I once scoffed at, Pat's Oven, which sells nuts, seeds, dried fruits and the like. And when I say cheap, it does depend on what you buy. for instance, nuts like macadamias are expensive wherever you go, so don't expect $1 for 100g. but think about it this way, as a movie snack, $4plus for a bag of macadamia nuts isn't that expensive. seasalted sunflower seeds are $1.70 for 100g, and are really nice. they're not too salty, and the really cool bit—for me, at least—is that you don't see a single grain of salt on them, nor do you taste any, but the seeds are uniformly salty. yumm. cheap and good. :) haha.

well, that's all for this week. hopefully when the exams end next week i'll have more time to putter around in my kitchen and i'll be able to post about more food.

oh and if anyone wants to buy cookies, i'll be free after the 7th! :)

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


I know I've said this a million times, but I just had to say it once more: Meiji milk is the best. Sometimes I think it's even better than chocolate as a pms food. chocolate has a tendency to make one feel all gelat and guilty, and if taken in too great a quantity, could give you the beginnings of a sore throat. but meiji milk, now, doesn't. spoke with her on the phone just now, a sort of extension from yesterday's conversation, and hung up totally pissed off. as usual. then i opened my fridge and took out a bottle of milk, mainly cos I've eaten my freddo ration for the day. wasn't expecting any sort of happy effect, but well, meiji makes me happy. :)


Monday, 23 April 2007


alrighties, let's get down to the real first post, shall we?
today's post is going to be about....freddo!

for the uninitiated, freddo is a cadbury product—chocolate frogs in a variety of flavours: plain, strawberry, white chocolate, peppermint, and even crunchie, much to the delight of M.

my favourites are strawberry and peppermint. (just in case you're ever stuck for ideas regarding what to get me for my birthday/christmas)
sadly, though, they're hell to find in Singapore. the only ones that are more or less easily available here are the plain and white ones. te strawberry ones and the peppermint, i've only seen at Candy Empire's pick-n-mix. and it's bleddy expensive. about 75cents for one chocolate frog. but they're damned yummy.
we all know what cadbury's milk chocolate tastes like, but imagine it paired with sweet, gooey strawberry creme. mmm. something about that fake-strawberry taste brings out a lovely buttery taste in the chocolate.
and the peppermint. this is good because it is so minty. no pansy-assed faint mintiness for freddo, no indeedy. the filling is lovely and oozy and oh so pepperminty. perfect foil to the chocolate. mm.
another plus for me is the way the freddos look. i like to break off the head and eat it first, and when you do that, you see the bright green or pink filling oozing gently out of the middle, contrasting with the brown of the chocolate. pretty.

in celebration of finding my freddos (the last time i went, Candy Empire was out) i've bought some this week, so if you're reaaaaaaaallly nice to me, i might just share. (might only ah, don't say i promised!)

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Well, I've finally gone and done it: got a blogspot blog. three cheers, man. er. rights

but anyway. this one's not going to be for bitching about people, things, hall, school etc like the other one is. this one, my dearies (heeheee), is for that most lovely of things: food! haha. yes. have decided to have a blog just, JUST to talk about food. haha.

so, keep your eyes peeled, and as they say, keep watching this space! haha.