Went to the supermarket just now and saw these gorgeous ruby-red, perfectly formed raspberries, releasing their soft, sweet perfume-y scent to lure people like me into buying them.
Aren't they just beautiful?
I love the way they're basically many many little seeds/sacs joined together. they look so pretty. and they're delish too. yumyum.
I really do wish i lived in a place where fruits like these don't cost half an arm. For a punnet of i think 100g, these organic berries cost more than $10. goshhh!!! the only reason i actually got them was cos i was with my mum, who, whilst she doesn't like berries because she thinks they're sour, was also unable to resist the way they looked.

I really do wish i lived in a place where fruits like these don't cost half an arm. For a punnet of i think 100g, these organic berries cost more than $10. goshhh!!! the only reason i actually got them was cos i was with my mum, who, whilst she doesn't like berries because she thinks they're sour, was also unable to resist the way they looked.
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