Lemon Stars
So i was feeling bored the other day and decided that i would make cookies. not really because i wanted to, but because i'd bought lemons and hundreds-and-thousands and was bored. which turned out to be a mistake, because the weather was so bloody hot, and i was all hot and sweaty, and and and and and. and by the time it was time to ice them, i was just so relieved to find out that i had just a little bit of icing sugar left, not enough to ice all the cookies. heh. this is NOT cookie-baking weather, let me tell you. especially in this house, where there is NO ventilation, and the kitchen is so bleeding hot. pfft.
so anyway.
i don't know what happened to my pictures of the end products—the cookies that i painstakingly spread lemon icing on and dipped (artistically?) in h-and-ts, so all i have are these plain ones, on the rack in the picture above, and fresh from the oven in the one below.
i like the end product anyway. the minus-icing ones. the lemon oil from the peel releases this really light, fresh lemon scent that is ever so light such that the cookies don't taste of lemons, they smell of them. i think my pictures are getting better. but perhaps that's because i took these in the afternoon, when there was plenty of sunlight—and heat. :(
ok, going to watch dvds now!
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