Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Went to vivocity with M today for dinner, and after, we stopped by Pat's Oven again, to pick up more healthy, heart-friendly, low-salt, cholesterol-busting snacks. heh. i decided to cave to the lure of Honey Roasted Macadamias. They don't look like very much here, in a lousy, phone-camera picture, but they're really gorgeous, a lovely golden-brown, with salt/sugar crystals on them. And the best part is that they're so absolutely fresh that the oils in the macadamias are so..delicious. It's hard to explain, but if you've ever eaten those canned maui-whatever brand ones and then these really fresh ones, you'll know what I mean.

Also got a bag of relatively cheaper mixed nuts—plain toasted pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, slivered almonds and cashews. Not a big fan of cashews, but I do so love pine nuts and almonds. Yumm. And my phone camera is proving itself to be woefully pathetic. :( Well, after this week, I'll have my real camera, then hopefully no more ugly photos like these..

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