Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Mmm. lunch today is a good one. I've taken to bringing my own lunch to work, since there's nothing good to eat hereabouts, and today's lunch is a salad, one of the few things that can be prepared mostly the night before and eaten at room temperature. sure, it'd have tasted much ncer this morning, but well, it works way better than something like sushi or pasta would've. Plus, it's tasty, and pretty as well.
So what is in this luncheon salad of mine?

Let's see..
-Romaine lettuce
-French beans, blanched in salted water
-Asparagus, blanched in salted water
-Yellow zuchinni chunks, stirfried with butter and salt
-White button mushrooms, sliced and dry sauteed, then smeared with a little butter and salt
-Cherry tomatoes, seeds squeezed out and grilled
-Bread, cut into small 'cubes' and toasted on the hot frying pan
-Grated aged Gouda cheese
-Toasted pine nuts

Crisp greens punctuated with the cheery, sunny yellow of the zuchinni, the bright red of the tomatoes, dotted with the earthy brwn of the mushrooms, toasty pieces of bread, a carpet of shredded cheese on top and a sprinkling of triangular little pine nuts. pretty, and yummsome.

mm-mmm! lunch today rocks. much better than those vending machine sandwiches. healthy too.

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